How you can receive 2FA authentication codes from
Withings directly in Slack.
A pioneer in the digital health industry, providing innovative, user-friendly devices and platforms for tracking wellness and fitness metrics.
A time-tracking tool providing automated productivity analytics and insights to individuals, teams, and organizations for optimized workflow management.
A cryptocurrency exchange providing a secure and reliable trading environment with advanced tools and 24/7 customer support.
A Nordic-based financial institution providing a range of banking, investment, and insurance services to individuals, businesses, and corporations.
A German-based internet service provider offering email, news, and search functionality, as well as online storage and office tools.
A technology media outlet providing news, reviews, and analysis on consumer electronics, gadgets, and innovative technologies.
A South Korean cryptocurrency exchange providing trading services, wallets, and blockchain-based financial solutions to individual and institutional investors.
Organizations providing medical services, products, and education, focusing on preventive care, diagnosis, treatment, and overall well-being enhancement.
Say goodbye to the chaos of using your phone to handle all communication. Move all messaging communication to Slack, where you can keep all conversations organized and accessible to your entire team.
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