Compatible 2FA Services

How to setup 2FA for more than 2,000 websites and services.


Providers of data protection solutions, offering secure storage and retrieval services to safeguard valuable digital assets from loss or corruption.

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Financial institutions providing a range of services, including deposits, loans, credit, investments, and payment systems to individuals and businesses.

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Online platforms facilitating wagering on sports, esports, and other events, offering odds, payouts, and various betting formats.

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Providers of virtualized infrastructure, platforms, and applications, offering scalable, on-demand access to computing resources over the internet.

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Entities facilitating exchange of information through various mediums, enabling individuals and organizations to connect, collaborate, and convey messages effectively.

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Entities specializing in innovative ideation, artistic expression, and imaginative problem-solving, fostering originality and pioneering progress in various industries.

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Online platforms facilitating collective investment and fundraising initiatives, enabling individuals to support innovative projects and entrepreneurial ventures.

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Decentralized digital currencies utilizing cryptography for secure financial transactions, operating independently of traditional banking systems and governments.

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Entities specializing in designing, building, testing, and maintaining software applications, systems, and tools to meet specific business needs.

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Entities facilitating online identity and presence through registration, management, and resale of unique web address identifiers.

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Institutions providing instructional programs, resources, and services to individuals, fostering knowledge acquisition, skill development, and personal growth.

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Providers of electronic mail services enable individuals and organizations to send and receive digital messages efficiently and securely online.

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Companies that specialize in providing leisure activities, recreational experiences, and engaging content to diverse audiences globally.

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Institutions providing monetary services, facilitating transactions, and managing investments to enable economic growth and financial stability globally.

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Establishments that cultivate, process, distribute, and serve edible products, providing sustenance and nourishment to individuals and communities globally.

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Entities that design, develop, and publish interactive digital entertainment products, offering immersive experiences for recreational purposes.

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Entities responsible for creating and enforcing policies, laws, and regulations to maintain social order and public welfare.

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Organizations providing medical services, products, and education, focusing on preventive care, diagnosis, treatment, and overall well-being enhancement.

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Providers of virtual infrastructure and storage solutions, offering scalable and secure online platforms for website and application deployment.

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Establishments providing temporary lodging accommodations, amenities, and services to travelers, tourists, and individuals requiring short-term residences.

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Organizations providing digital identity verification, authentication, and management solutions to securely establish and maintain individual identities online.

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Financial intermediaries facilitating investment opportunities, enabling individuals and institutions to allocate capital and manage risk across asset classes.

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Companies specializing in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies connect and integrate devices to collect and analyze data efficiently.

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Entities providing advisory, litigation, and transactional services to individuals, businesses, and governments, facilitating compliance with laws and regulations.

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Entities specializing in strategic communication, creative branding, and data-driven advertising solutions to elevate brand awareness and drive sales growth.

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This diverse grouping encompasses miscellaneous businesses that don't fit neatly into traditional categories, offering unique products or services.

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Entities facilitating secure, efficient, and convenient monetary transactions between individuals, businesses, and governments through various payment channels.

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Providers of mail and parcel delivery services, offering logistics solutions for individuals and businesses across local and international networks.

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Organizations that provide flexible work arrangements, enabling employees to perform tasks from anywhere, often leveraging digital technologies.

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Establishments that sell merchandise and services to consumers through various channels, including physical stores, e-commerce platforms, and more.

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Entities providing safeguarding solutions, protecting individuals, businesses, and governments from cyber threats, fraud, and physical vulnerabilities.

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Entities facilitating online interactions, connections, and content sharing, enabling users to build communities, express themselves, and engage socially.

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Entities specializing in workflow optimization, offering solutions to manage, automate, and streamline tasks for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

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Entities facilitating access to events, experiences, and transportation through the provision of digital or physical vouchers.

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Entities that provide movement of people, goods, and services via land, air, water, or space, facilitating global connectivity.

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Institutions of higher learning providing academic programs, research opportunities, and cultural experiences to foster intellectual growth and development.

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Entities responsible for generating, transmitting, and distributing essential services such as electricity, gas, water, and waste management systems.

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Specialized providers offering secure online connections, protecting user privacy and anonymity by encrypting internet traffic.

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